Why programmers should write a technical blog.
When I attended a coding bootcamp, part of our assignments was to write a technical blog. To be honest, I hated it. I don’t like writing. But the more I thought about it, the more I saw the benefits.
But I hate writing / I’m bad at writing
Yeah, that was my first thoughts. But writing a technical blog isn’t about how good you are at writing. Also, you don’t have to be a great writer. Even if its just dumping your thoughts onto a screen it can be beneficial.
No one will read it
Even if thats the case, there’s still a good reason to do it (which I’ll get to, I promise)
I don’t know what to write about
Finding a topic will come naturally as you progress into your coding career.
The benefits of writing a technical blog
You can learn something new
For example, one week I needed a topic to write about. I decided why not start to learn about a new framework? I wrote my blog about Vue.js and by doing so I had to actually start coding in Vue. I didn’t become a Vue master, but I was able to see benefits/differences from the React framework which I’m more familiar with.
You can review/revisit concepts you have learned
You can revisit a concept you’ve learned. The benefit to this is that you can reinforce the knowledge you know. Or what if you want to dive deeper into it the concept. I learned alot about dynamic programming and recursion by writing a blog post about it.
It helps you learn
I find that writing about something helps me understand it more. I don’t want to write something false or incorrect so I try to make sure what I’m writing is correct. It sort of forces me to research it more and learn more about it so I can write about it correctly.